
I am passionate about bringing awareness to the reality that human beings are fundamentally part of the whole earth community. We may have done amazing things like traipsing off into space but we are woven into the intricate fabric of this planet.

We need the Earth. We are the Earth.

I am exploring ways of getting this understanding firmly rooted in human consciousness, if you want this too then I want to talk to you! I run workshops on the Work that Reconnects based on the work of Buddhist environmental and peace activist, Joanna Macy.

I am also on my own journey of reconnection, trying to ground this understanding deeply within my life and find out what that actually looks like in the middle of suburbia.

Use the form below to connect with me privately, I’m always thrilled to catch up with fellow Melbournians who share my passion for connecting with the Earth.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Introducing Back Creek | Humans are nature

  2. Pingback: Spring Vision Quest (Victoria) – Humans are nature

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